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Specialists in Turbopartes SA de CV works on an orientation campaign, training that cares about the health of its staff, suppliers, customers and visitors. This in order to prevent  and control the spread of the coronavirus that causes COVID-19.


Since the beginning of March 2020, the government authorities began with the official communications of this campaign.


Taking into account the safety of our collaborators from the workplace, their journey home and vice versa. 


1. Use of face masks

We deliver mouths cover to all staff.

2. Healthy Distance Indications

We mark all work areas to indicate the distance of
1.5 meters. The points are marked with a colored “X”.

3. Hand washing

We put up posters with information on the correct technique of
handwashing in company bathrooms and canteen.

4. Use of Antibacterial Gel

We place gel use stations in areas such as: surveillance,
attendance checker, warehouses, dining room, corridors, bathrooms and meeting rooms.

5. Cleaning

Cleaning stations were placed in different areas.



All this in order to promote a healthy coexistence in our facilities. The health of our staff and customers is a priority to be able to carry out our daily activities responsibly. 

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